A community is formed whenever the neighborhood shares some set of values. It's a vital community if it contains diversity of knowledge. With shared values, communication is open and the members learn from each other's diversity. New members join the community if they share some of the community’s values. The physical characteristics of the community's neighborhood comes to reflect its shared values. A new development that intrudes on the values of the community is rejected by the community, and if it is allowed by the City because of political alliances or the prospect of tax income, it can severely damage the quality of life within the community.
A major issue with compatibility is “compatibility with what?” As an example, consider the Loop 360 corridor. Every housing or office development is considered in only an incremental way, not in a “global” way. As a result, Loop 360 traffic continues to grow way beyond the capacity of the road because each development meets the “local” code.
Tine frame is another compatibility issue. Developments must be considered with respect to the past, present and future.
Compatibility with the environment is also an important issue, as is compatibility with wildlife.
Compatibility has to be defined in a much broader, comprehensive way.
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